Winter Snow Series, 冬雪系列

Flowing Colors Oil Painting on Canvas, 流彩+油畫布

We sell limited reproduction oil painting art print on canvas (glossy and matte) with artist's signature. Your purchase includes a copy of artist's U.S. Patent Certificate and a Flowing Colors Oil Painting Collection Certificate. If you are interested in collecting the original painting, please contact with Arthur Liu directly at:
*USA: 001-718-229-6098 *Mobile: 001-929-488-9330 *China: 8620-3416-1341.

您可收藏限量的有畫家簽名的流彩油畫,複印在油画布上的作品,(分光面與无光面),您將隨畫收到一張美國流彩油畫專利證書和流彩油畫收藏證書。 如果您有興趣收藏畫家的原版作品請您直接與劉老師聯絡。
劉老師電話: *美國: 001-718-229-6098 *手機: 001-929-488-9330 *中國: 8620-3416-1341